THEOTOKOS Foundation is a non-profit, welfare organization providing rehabilitation services for children and young adults with developmental intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. It provides services to individuals aged 2 ½ to 35 years and supports their family environments. The scope of work is education, therapy and training with the aim of empowering individuals to facilitate full and equal inclusion in society, work and life. Programs are person-centred and supported by interdisciplinary teams and enrichment programs. Areas of specific expertise include special needs education, early intervention, daily living skills development, functional learning, pre-vocational and vocational training, and promotion towards Supported Employment. Innovative practices include the electronic welfare file, the Functionality Profile based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the implementation of quality systems (ISO 9001: 2008 and EQUASS) enabling staff to provide a high standard of quality services.